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Turd Of The Day, Jerry Moonbeam  

Freeonereturns 63F
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9/10/2018 8:17 am
Turd Of The Day, Jerry Moonbeam

With his last gasp of air Fuckhead Moonbean is trying to cast California into the Abyss. Screw the rest of us, he lived just fine on Daddy's money and the Government tit. No oil, no plastic, no mining drilling or cows farting. Cheap power set aside for costly feel good power, well most of us don't feel all that good Brownie. Most are overworked and under paid, not the oppiset where you've dwelled all your life.

It's easy to spend it her people's money as it takes little thought to apply suffrage if none of it falls on you. Unlike the famous poem, please go silently into the night. You've screwed things enough already.

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